crisscross|crisscrosses in English


[criss·cross || 'krɪskrɒs]

crisscross pattern, network formed by intersecting lines

Use "crisscross|crisscrosses" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "crisscross|crisscrosses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "crisscross|crisscrosses", or refer to the context using the word "crisscross|crisscrosses" in the English Dictionary.

1. Railway lines crisscross the countryside.

2. Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

3. Ducts and pipes crisscross.

4. Crisscross the country attending antiwar demonstrations?

5. 1 Railway lines crisscross the countryside.

6. Four - lane highways crisscross the country.

7. Crisscross stems while Arranging your flowers.

8. 3 Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

9. His car swung round at the crisscross.

10. Inside the box was a crisscross of wires.

11. Highways crisscross, and accessible transportation is very convenient.

12. Superhighways that crisscross the landscape would fall into disuse.

13. In this area mountains rise steeply and rivers crisscross.

14. We can a place where the cultures of the world crisscross.

15. And solving method of breaking stroke phenomena of crisscross stroke is given.

16. 8 South western China: single cropping and double cropping crisscross cultivated region.

17. The crisscross inlet and outlet make various types of lamp routing possible.

18. South western China: single cropping and double cropping crisscross cultivated region.

19. In the gardens, the pavilions, terraces and open halls crisscross and overlap.

20. Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling.

21. 7 The crisscross-inheritance and atavism are two different concepts in essence. The crisscross-inheritance is a dynamic variation that pathogenic genes of X-chromosome vary with the X-chromosome.

22. These concepts are inter - related and differentiate, making a crisscross network of dialects.

23. Affection is life prop up, when justice and affection crisscross, how should choose again?

24. Sea and sky, in a relaxed tone of scenery, crisscross penetration, one integrated mass.

25. Regard a severe loss as the enterprise, contradictory crisscross, difficult problem is very much.